How to Get an Aries Man Back After a Break Up

Get an Aries man backPin

So, it happened. The Aries guy decided to call it quits on the relationship and now you’re left to wonder, “is there any way I can salvage things?”.

The thing about Aries men is they can be fickle when it comes to relationships. One moment, they’re totally invested and telling you they are head-over-heels in love with you. But then, just as quickly, they can get cold feet and want to break things off.

However, the good news is, if an Aries guy does have genuine feelings for you, there is a decent chance that the “break-up” won’t be permanent. Sometimes, these men can be so wary of commitment that they end things on impulse, only to regret it later on.

But if you’re serious about getting your Aries ex back, it’s crucial that you play your cards right, or you’ll only push him further away. Today, I’ll be going over the right way to get an Aries man back into your life.

1. First, ask yourself, is the relationship actually worth fighting for?

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Considering the relationshipPin

You wouldn’t believe how many women I’ve had contact me over the years with heart-breaking stories about losing an Aries guy, begging for advice on how they could get them back.

And trust me, I get it. Aries guys can be intoxicating. Once you get a taste of them, it can be hard to imagine life without him.

But before you try to win him back, it’s crucial that you first ask yourself whether the relationship is truly worth fighting for. Because sometimes I see women who are so caught up in the emotion of it all, that they allow it to cloud their better judgment.

They will overlook any toxicity that took place and see the whole relationship through rose-tinted glasses. It’s not until further down the road, when they re-evaluate things, that they come to the realization that the breakup was ultimately for the best.

But if you’re sure that what you had is worth fighting for, then read on, because I’m going over the right way to approach the situation.

WATCH: The #1 Way To Make Aries Men BEG For You Back

2. Don’t play games with him and make your intentions known.

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Aries man reading phonePin

A lot of advice that I see being given suggests that simply ignoring the Aries man after a break up will make him magically come back to you.

But simply cutting all communication and pretending you are “over him” isn’t likely to have the results that you want. Aries men don’t respond to emotional games, so it’s important to be upfront from the get-go.

Sure, there is a time and place for keeping your distance (more on this in a bit), but to begin with, you should absolutely make your intentions known and lay your cards on the table.

You don’t have to come across as desperate or clingy, just simply let him know where you stand, so that the idea can ruminate in his mind.

“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about how things ended. I know you probably need space right now, but if you change your mind, I’m here. I really did treasure what we had together.”

Keep it simple, keep it casual and don’t push too hard. Aries men respond to honesty, but not smothering, so try to find the balance.

3. But do not beg the Aries man to take you back.

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Aries man walking away after breakupPin

Whilst it’s important to let the Aries guy know where you stand, at the same time, it’s crucial that you maintain your composure.

The worst mistake you can make right now is to plead and beg for him back in the hopes that he will change his mind. Doing so will only push him further and further away.

As hard as it is, you need to show him that you accept and respect his decision. Because doing so, will make him much more likely to engage with you. You’ve already made your intentions known so there’s no need to push it.

Note: this doesn’t mean you need to act thrilled about the situation or pretend that you couldn’t care less. He will see right through this type of deception and perceive it as “playing games”.

But you NEED to hold it together. If your emotions are too raw right now and you feel like you can’t control them, then DO NOT speak to him until you are in a better place.

4. Give him space and time to process things.

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Okay, this might seem obvious but it’s extremely important: directly after the break up, you need to give the Aries man a LOT of space.

Aries men will usually try to reassert their independence after a breakup. He needs time to find his feet and process everything that has just happened. And if you get in the way of this, it will only rub him the wrong way. He may seem distant at the moment, but don’t freak out if he isn’t replying to your messages right away. You need to give it time.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should completely ghost him and cut off all communication. But you DO need to be cautious about how much you are “in his space.”

Because it’s only with space that he will have time to reflect on all of the good things about the relationship. It’s only then that he will start to remember the moments that you had together. And most importantly, it’s only then that he will have a chance to miss you.

So trust me, you don’t want to interrupt his thought process.

5. Spend time and energy investing in yourself.

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Practice self carePin

I understand that you might feel broken right now. And it can be tempting to spend your days lazing around the house, binge-watching netflix and eating pizza on the couch.

But the truth is, the best thing you can do right now is to practice self-care. As hard as it might be, it’s time to pick up the pieces and focus on treating yourself well.

The reasons for this are twofold:

First, it’s important for your own well-being. It will distract you from the situation at hand, make you feel better about yourself, and give you a way to funnel all of that energy into something positive.

Second, it ensures that when you do reach out to your Aries ex, you are presenting the best version of yourself possible. When you are looking after yourself, you raise your sense of self-worth and carry yourself with more confidence, which Aries men find attractive as hell.

Spend this time focusing on things like:

Regular Exercise: Exercise can do you a world of good right now. It’s a depression killer, a sleep enhancer, AND gets you in better shape.

Healthy Diet: As they say “you are what you eat”, and eating healthy, unprocessed, fresh foods is a sure-fire way to elevate your mood.

Pursue Hobbies and Develop Skills: Taking up a new project or learning a new skill is a great way to regain a sense of direction.

6. Don’t bring up the past and focus on building something new.

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Alright, so by this point, you have set your intentions, given him space and spent time on practicing self-care.

Now, it’s time to engage with the Aries man, and it’s crucial that you go about this in the right way.

The trick here, is when you contact him, do NOT bring up ANYTHING about the relationship or breakup at all. You don’t want to apply pressure or present him with ultimatums because this will only put him on the defense.

You want to completely bypass any negative associations that he may have about the break up, and instead start a conversation that’s casual and likely to spark his interest. Aries men are nosy creatures, so if you can pique his curiosity, he won’t be able to resist replying.

If you want an example of exactly what to do say to him, here is a 14-word text message that almost always works.

You’ll be amazed at just how much more receptive he is to you, when you wipe the slate clean, and don’t spend time dwelling over the past. Think of this is your chance to establish a new foundation in which a relationship can flourish.

7. Flip the script and allow him to chase you.

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Aries man instinctsPin

Okay, listen closely because I’ve saved the most important for last.

Once you’ve got your Aries man talking and are ready to “hook” him, it’s time to tap into the one thing that no Aries man can resist.

You see, Aries men are HARD-WIRED on a very primal level to chase and fight for those they love. In fact, this instinct so deeply ingrained, that it’s something he craves it more than money, status, and hell, even more than sex.

But when there is nothing to pursue or fight for, this is when the Aries man will lose interest and walk away.

Simply put, instead of chasing him around like a lost puppy dog, you need to make him feel like he is the one who is trying to win you over, not the other way around.

Because it’s only then that he will go into full-on chase mode, as his instinct to “protect and serve” kicks into high gear.

This technique is so effective that I’ve made a whole video presentation about exactly how you can trigger this instinct, which you can watch here.

Because deep down, what the Aries man wants more than anything is to play the hero and be the knight in shining armor.

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