10 Taurus Traits That Are Downright TOXIC

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Taurus is a sign that has a LOT going for them. They’re strong, fiercely determined, unwaveringly loyal, and willing to move mountains for the people that they care about.

But they also possess some, shall we say, less favourable traits, that can even verge on being borderline toxic. And if they’re not careful, these self-sabotaging habits can land them in seriously hot water.

Today, I’ll be taking a closer look at why being a Taurus isn’t all flowers and rainbows by revealing ten toxic traits they need to watch out for.

1. They can ignore obvious red flags and have too much heart for the wrong people.

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Blindfolded Taurus manPin

Taurus is a sign that genuinely wants to see the best in people. They don’t have time for drama and make an effort to get along with everybody.

But sometimes, this can lead to them ignoring some serious red flags that are screaming out at them to “stay away”. They can be quick to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they’re picking up a bad vibe. Sometimes, they need to trust their instincts because some people are just bad news.

2. They can go so hard that they end up burning themselves out.

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Tired Taurus womanPin

Taureans are fiercely ambitious creatures who keep their eye on the prize. When they decide that they really want something, they don’t play around, and give it everything they’ve got.

But sometimes, they can end up taking things too far. They can overcommit themselves and charge ahead so quickly, that they inevitably crash and burn themselves out. They need to remember to take breaks and practice self-care, or they’ll become emotionally exhausted.

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3. They can repress their anger until they just explode out of nowhere.

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Angry Taurus manPin

Despite their reputation for being a hothead 24/7, the Taurus is actually pretty chill and laid-back for the most part. They are slow to anger and try to remove themselves from situations before things spiral out of control.

BUT when they do get mad, well, let’s just say things can get explosive. They have a habit of bottling things up and allowing their anger to fester until, BOOM, they just unleash their rage out of nowhere. And this is why the Taurus sign is known for being a bit of a savage.

4. They’re always prepared to just cut someone off and never speak to them again.

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Taurus walking awayPin

For Taurus, trust and loyalty are kind of a big deal. Like, a really big deal. When they’re on your side, they’re the kind of sign that will have your back, no matter what, end of story.

But they expect this same level of loyalty in return, and when they are lied to, things can go south extremely FAST. If you go behind their back and betray them, they’re not afraid to just completely cut you out of their life for good, without ever looking back. Because if a Taurus can’t trust you, they’ll want absolutely nothing to do with you.

5. They assume everyone has common sense and then get upset when they don’t.

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Frustrated TaurusPin

Taureans are practical creatures who deal with problems in a logical and rational way. They don’t make decisions on the spur of the moment; instead, they weigh up all the pros and cons before making any major move.

But sometimes they can fall into the trap of assuming everyone deals with things in such a pragmatic way. They will try to work with someone and formulate a plan, and then become immensely frustrated when they realize that, gasp, some people can be kind of reckless.



6. Refusing help and then getting overwhelmed when they’ve got no help.

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Stressed TaurusPin

Taurus is well-known for being one of the most independent signs in all of the zodiac. They pride themselves on their ability to get things done without having to rely on the handouts of others.

But sometimes, they can be such prideful creatures that it can end up causing them problems. They will refuse others’ help, even when they desperately need it, thinking, “I can do everything myself”. Then they struggle in silence, trying to keep their head above water, wondering why nobody is there to pick up the slack.

7. They’re so direct and brutally honest that they can offend people without even realizing it.

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Taurus is bluntPin

Taurus is a straight-shooter who doesn’t have time to mince words. They’re not one to sugar-coat things and just say exactly what they’re thinking, even when it ain’t exactly pretty.

And while their friends and loved ones often find their honesty to be refreshing, for others it can come off as abrasive and hit a little too close to home. This can make people think that Taurus is trying to argue or be rude, when in reality they’re just talking and trying to be real with you.

8. They can be intensely impatient, but also can’t stand being rushed.

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Impatient Taurus womanPin

While Taurus can be patient in the long term, when it comes to day-to-day life, they can have a very short fuse. They don’t like queuing, being put on hold, or having to wait too long for their meal at restaurants.

But paradoxically, if YOU try to rush them? Yeah, it’s going to be a completely different story, and you’re gonna have a bad time. Trying to hurry them up when they’re in the middle of getting ready is bound to sour their mood and leave them feeling irritated. One rule for me, and another for thee, says Taurus.

9. They’re so hard-headed that it can be difficult to get through to them.

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Stubborn TaureanPin

It’s no secret that Taureans can sometimes be stubborn as a mule. They know what they like, they know what they don’t, and they don’t like people trying to interfere with that.

This decisive and strong-minded nature can often work in their favor, but sometimes it can also be the source of their problems. When they’re in the wrong or are about to slip up, it can be near impossible to actually make them see the light. They can be so tunnel-visioned in their thinking that trying to get through to them, can feel like negotiating with a brick wall.

10. They can be so guarded that they put up walls that are impossible to penetrate.

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Because Taureans are such cautious creatures, they can be extremely wary about opening up to people. They protect their hearts closely, for fear of being hurt, and can be reluctant to trust or let anybody in.

When they’re going through something and need a shoulder to cry on, these hesitant women and guarded men can let their trust issues get in the way. Instead of reaching out, they will just put up a wall and force themselves to go through things on their own. They can put on such a strong front too, that nobody will be any the wiser.

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